Waterford Food Bank

Delivering food to people in need in Waterford

A Waterford Area Partnership Programme

Waterford Food Bank distributes over 200 food parcels every week to individuals and families living in food poverty in Waterford.

Each food parcel contains items such as bread, tea, cereal, tinned food, vegetables, eggs and other basic food stuffs. The majority of non-perishable food items we provide are surplus products from supermarkets and food manufacturers, along with fresh meat, vegetables and dairy provided freely or at a discounted price by local suppliers.

We work closely with local agencies, charities and organisations in Waterford to support those in need, including SVDP, MABS and Focus Ireland.

Established in 2017, Waterford Food Bank is part of the Food Cloud initiative and has charitable status as a programme a of Waterford Area Partnership. We receive an annual FEAD* credit which we use to access product from the Foodcloud Hub in Cork. We also receive funding support from individuals and local businesses.

*FEAD is an EU-wide programme to help people take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion. (Food for European Aid for the Most Deprived).


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